晋级国赛!突突突获 2024年“云说新科技”科普传播大赛天津赛区一等奖

重大喜讯传来—— 经过激烈角逐,再登科技的“突突突团队”在由中国机械工程学会主办的2024年“云说新科技”科普传播大赛天津赛区中荣获冠军,并成功晋级全国赛!

Exciting News Alert: Great News Has Arrived! — After intense competition, GetonAgain Technology "TOTOTO Team" has won the championship in the Tianjin division of 2024 "Cloud Talks New Technology" science popularization competition organized by the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society and has successfully advanced to the national competition!



Shining Bright: GetonAgain Technology "TOTOTO Team" emerged as a leader among countless teams, showcasing exceptional expertise, innovative thinking, and seamless teamwork. Each accomplishment reflects the relentless dedication and countless hours invested by our team members. This award celebrates our past achievements and fuels our drive for future innovation and success!



From meticulous planning to flawless execution, the TOTOTO team of GetonAgain Technology excels at overcoming challenges with swift solutions. Each member brings their unique strengths, fostering a culture of support and encouragement. Witness their relentless pursuit of excellence and innovative spirit that drives us to set new standards in the tech industry!



Onward to New Heights: With pride and confidence, the TOTOTO team at GetonAgain Technology is ready to conquer the national stage! This is just the beginning as they embark on a journey of innovation and excellence. Stay tuned for groundbreaking achievements and exciting surprises.


A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Supporters: Your trust and encouragement have propelled us to where we are today. Stay tuned as we aim to deliver an exceptional performance on the national stage!



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